
About Us

We are the Scouts BSA of Pembroke NH.  We meet most Wednesday evenings when schools are in session, from 6:30 - 8:00 at the First Congregational Church, 301 Pembroke Street, Pembroke NH.  We are an active youth led Troop, we own our own campsite near Bear Brook State Park.  We have a trailer and lots of gear including canoes.  We have many motivated adults with exciting merit badge opportunities.



Scouting origins in Pembroke began with Troop 70 on March 29, 1938 through the charter expiration on May 31, 1948.   On May 26, 1953 the troop was reformed by members of the Pembroke Grange but they learned #70 had been recycled by the Daniel Webster Council and was no longer available.  The Troop took #270 as a new designation.

Troop 270 eventually moved the charter across the street with the First Congregational Church of Pembroke.  February 2019, BSA National updated the program name to Scouts BSA and welcomed girls in the ranks as equals.  On March 27, 2019 Troop 270g was chartered.  Male and female youth ages 11-17 are welcomed inclusively and enthusiastically into Troop 270.


 Pembroke Grange Building, 302 Pembroke Street, Pembroke, NH 03275








First Congregational Church of Pembroke, 301 Pembroke Street, Pembroke, NH 03275